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ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. However, the complete moniker doesn’t truly explain what an ERP is or what the ERP software accomplishes. Take a moment to consider all of the departments and processes that go into running a business— from inventory management, procurement, accounts, engineering, manufacturing, sales, to running the shop floor, just to mention a few. An ERP links and merges all of these diverse parts of your business, allowing you to expedite processes and exchange accurate information throughout your enterprise. A common database that supports numerous tasks and can be used by all of your departments is the core characteristic of all ERP systems. In effect, this means that personnel from various departments, such as ordering and engineering, can both work off the same set of correct data and get the essential information from the system that they require to accomplish their tasks more efficiently and effectively.

An ERP enables you to better plan the resources of your business. When an ERP integrates all of your many business processes, you can better manage your enterprise as a whole, interact more easily amongst departments, and get orders out the door and into the hands of your customers faster.


ERP solutions as we know them now may be traced back to the 1960s. Due to the sheer growth of contemporary industrial production, corporations needed innovative and effective ways to control production to keep up with consumer demand. Thus, with widespread adoption of computing in the commercial sector, it resulted in Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) systems. MRP aided in the planning of manufacturing, buying, and delivery, lowering stock levels and reducing the amount of money held in inventory. During the 1970s, MRP solutions were found to be economically viable only for bigger firms. This would change as technology advanced and became more accessible in general.

MRP II was developed in the 1980s. More production processes and enhanced capabilities were added to this revised system. However, it wasn’t until the 1990s that Gartner coined the word “ERP” to characterize the next step in the growth of MRP. MRP solutions were expanded to include various ‘back office’ operations such as finance and accounting, human resources, project management, and engineering. As a result, the phrase ‘Enterprise Resource Planning,’ stuck because these systems had a broader appeal and now handled much more than manufacturing.

By the mid-1990s, ERP systems were available from key vendors, assisting firms in managing fundamental business processes. However, once again, it was often only larger firms who invested in such solutions. With the impending danger of the Y2K bug, several firms chose modernize old systems in order to mitigate potential Y2K mayhem by totally replacing their incumbent systems. This meant investing in ERP systems for numerous organizations, which helped to assure ERP’s larger presence in enterprises throughout the world.


ATC Online has developed PACIFYCA, a universal ERP Solution that performs seamlessly across every sector: from Production Management to School Management; from Publishing Management to Learning Management. Our solutions are customized to fit a wide range of businesses. We not only provide end-to-end software consultation and development, but we also ensure the highest level of industry-specific customization and a successful on-site implementation.


Manufacturing is a very dynamic and competitive industry, so having an integrated solution that can boost productivity, lower costs, increase sales and profitability, and most crucially, enable the business to make correct, informed, and strategic decisions is vital. An Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) for the manufacturing sector, or a Manufacturing Execution System could well be the panacea to all of these challenges. PACIFYCA for the manufacturing industry integrates all facets of a business operations (accounting, finance, sales, reporting, scheduling, operations, planning and warehousing and so on) and enables companies to operate properly using a single database.

PACIFYCA is a powerful and highly scalable solution that serves as a real-time instrument to maintain a single, shared database of information for the whole firm. PACIFYCA ERP solutions connect activities across the corporation by addressing manufacturing, supply chain, financial management, marketing automation, and CRM, to mention a few fundamental business activities. These procedures are streamlined, and boundaries between corporate divisions are broken down. PACIFYCA, thanks to its integration with comprehensive reporting and Business Intelligence (BI) modules, is far more capable than its contemporaries. Our solutions not only provide rapid access to essential data across the business, but the entire enterprise is provided with in-depth business insight and analysis. For utmost business agility, PACIFYCA ensures timely insights that lead to fast and intelligent decision-making.

PACIFYCA Manufacturing & Resource Planning (MRP II) is a full-fledged and sophisticated software solution created by industry professionals. This Manufacturing Process Management Software includes some of the most intuitive and advanced capabilities needed by small to medium-sized businesses. Our solutions are built on the tried-and-true Odoo software. As a result, they may be tailored to a wide range of sectors in the industrial industry. We not only provide full-service advice and development of the scheduling suite, but we also assure the highest degree of industry specific customization followed by a successful on-site installation.


A school ERP, often known as a “School Enterprise Resource Planning System,” is a software system that allows schools to digitize key processes including administration, admissions, student information, fee management, and other school activities. While the goal of implementing an ERP for a school is to make day-to-day operations requiring enormous volumes of data and information more efficient, it is vital for decision-makers to comprehend the specifics of how to distinguish a good ERP from one that is rudimentary. While there are various ERPs on the market and in use by schools, PACIFYCA offers a level of capability that not only automates the entire school operations and processes but also puts all of the necessary data at the management’s fingertips.

The PACIFYCA School Education Management System integrates revolutionary innovation into the educational system, bringing teachers, students, and parents together in harmony. PACIFYCA enables a comprehensive Education Management for all of the school’s day-to-day operations, ensuring that they are accurate, simple, efficient, and quick. ERP software must act as a basis for an educational institution’s success in today’s competitive market. The solution has the potential to boost school administration, staff, and student efficiency and performance.

ATC ONLINE’s PACIFYCA is a paperless automation software solution (ERP) for modern schools and educational institutions that covers the majority of the features detailed in this paper. It makes day-to-day operations at the institution function smoothly, promptly, efficiently, and precisely. Our ERP suite is a simple yet powerful one-point integrated platform that symphonizes all critical entities of an institute.


Learning Management System (LMS) is a software suite designed as an online teaching support system for educators. The LMS provides institute faculty a cohesive platform for managing their curricula in real time, online. Lessons, assignments, exams, and assessments are easily accessible digitally with this paperless solution. A learning management system enhances the delivery of distance learning by making it more accessible and engaging for students.

The digital learning market is rapidly increasing. Learning Management Systems are becoming more frequent in schools and universities as online learning becomes more popular. To continually maintain the quality of your education and academic successes of your institution or brand, you must seek for an effective LMS. Alternatively, you might hire a skilled developer to help you choose the optimal method and create a one-of-a-kind digital learning platform. We at ATC ONLINE can assist you with both. The PACIFYCA Learning Management System is one of the best in its class due to its open architecture and ease of use. The integration of our digital solutions with Amazon Web Services S3 bucket ensures a comprehensive data & storage management. We not only provide full-service consultation and customization of our e-learning solutions, but we also ensure a successful on-site implementation.


In order to transform the publishing industry’s present business models and redefine the publishing industry paradigms, an enterprise-ready solution is essential. When publishing companies can react to fast-paced industry advances and business requirements, an enterprise-ready software may help them grow up quickly and affordably. Key issues include managing inventory based on numerous units of measurement such as series, series no., and volume, analyzing production costs in real-time, and determining the leanest and most efficient production, quality, and operating process to maximize cost and productivity.

The PACIFYCA Publishing Management System has been developed for the Industry by the Industry. As industry veterans, we have carefully designed the PACIFYCA – Publishing Software as a cloud solution that is secure and easily accessible anytime and anywhere. The ERP Software for Publishing & Printing Industry has a proven track record of high efficiency at a reduced cost. We work closely with our clients to tailor our solutions to their strategic business needs. The solution also includes estimating and managing production costs, performing quality checks at individual/required stages of production, and churning out royalty analysis reports as well as extensive sales and purchase analysis as needed.


In today’s competitive world, ERP software serves as a foundation for the success of an enterprise. The software has the potential to significantly improve all facets of business operations. PACIFYCA, by ATC ONLINE is a complete automation software solution (ERP) for contemporary businesses across different industries and business sectors. Our ERP suite is a simple yet powerful one-point integrated platform that symphonizes all critical entities of an organization. For more on PACIFYCA ERP SOLUTIONS, visit us at:


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